The EyeBright program uses acupuncture, herbs, supplements, lifestyle, and more to support your whole body health and visual acuity as you live with degenerative eye diseases such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s, conjunctivitis, post-herpetic eye pain, dry eye, and more. This regimen offers real hope where there has been very little for patients with these conditions.
The initial consultation visit will include a full health history and intake, basic eye tests to establish a vision baseline, education on nutrition and lifestyle will be reviewed and you will receive two 30 minute treatments in a row. The acupuncture points in this treatment are mainly in the hands and feet. No needles in the eyes! You can expect to be in the clinic for about 2 hours this first day.
Each follow-up treatment visit consists of a health check-in and two 30 minute acupuncture treatments. You can expect to be in the clinic for about 75 minutes for follow-up appointments.
The initial set of treatments are most effective if they are close together. It is best to have two treatments a day every weekday or every other weekday for the first week or two. Then you will come in every other week for two 30 minute treatments to maintain your health gains. As your health increases once every third week or less can be achieved and if there are health setbacks a small course of closely scheduled treatments can help to stabilize your vision. Just like all acupuncture for degenerative diseases it depends on how your body responds and how you are supporting yourself outside the clinic with hydration, nutrition, lifestyle, and more.
It is important to track your progress to ensure you are benefiting from the EyeBright Regimen. It is an expenditure of energy and financial resources that should bring value to your life. We re-evaluate your progress after the first 5 visits and as needed. If after 10 visits you experience no change at all then this may not be the right path for you. It is rare that a person experiences no change but it is important for us to honor your time and respect your investment in yourself through regular evaluation. To this end, it is also important that you continue with your Ophthalmologist and follow all of their recommendations. With the EyeBright Program, it is reasonable to expect 25 to 40 visits in a year to slow the degenerative process, prevent further degeneration, and increase visual acuity. Keep in mind that the degenerative process is something that has been developing in the body for many years and is an ongoing process. It takes time and commitment to make health gains and slow the degenerative process.
Eye Health Acupuncturists Near You: Mats Sexton, L.Ac. (Cassandra's teacher) is also in the Twin Cites! Reach out to him here if his location is better for you. The best acupuncture is the acupuncture you can easily get to with regularity. Here is a list of acupuncturists trained in this method. If you have a favorite practitioner local to you ask them to take a class with Mats Sexton, L.Ac.