Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine
These sessions may include acupuncture, electroacupuncture, herbal medicine, sound healing, or some light traditional manual therapy modalities if appropriate.
Both John and Cassandra are skilled with esoteric alignment, hormonal and reproductive balance, mental health support, and seasonal support.
John is a talented orthopedic pain management practitioner, particularly for intransigent chronic pain and surgery recovery. They have a gift for helping folks untangle past traumas from chronic pain.
Cassandra is a flexible and knowledgeable acupuncturist who supports folks with a wide variety of needs and is a skilled herbal medicine practitioner. She is also very gentle for folks who need sensory support to sink into a restful state.
Both John and Cassandra are skilled with esoteric alignment, hormonal and reproductive balance, mental health support, and seasonal support.
John is a talented orthopedic pain management practitioner, particularly for intransigent chronic pain and surgery recovery. They have a gift for helping folks untangle past traumas from chronic pain.
Cassandra is a flexible and knowledgeable acupuncturist who supports folks with a wide variety of needs and is a skilled herbal medicine practitioner. She is also very gentle for folks who need sensory support to sink into a restful state.